
I would say they are both the same. The 7 year old could be the next Karate Kid and the Old guy could be Chuck Norris.
This is an example of a Queen Anne home style house. This house is located in Louisiana.  The roof and porch are prime examples of this style of arch

Media Frenzy- Many families are devoted to electronics and media.You can build a house with the media or living room for the family to spend more time with each other in a designated room.
 I think the skyscrapers make the traditional London look more professional.
This is the house design I created in Google Sketch-up.

The style of this cathedral is gothic style architecture. It is located in Italy.

This is the chamber of commerce in Albany Georgia. I like the pillars and the open roof.

Im not sure if this design will ever be made. It seems realistic. I think in the future we will be able to engineer a design like this that would be efficient enough to be built.

Basically, I made a trash can. It.s a pretty cool trash can. It's made of a circle and then using push and pull I created the trash can. The commands I used were push and pull and pull, offset, and create a circle icons.